Branding Yourself, Logo & Visual Identity

The Face of your business has to have a symbol people will remember and recognize always.

Note below, the symbols behind Amazon, Google, LinkedIn, Dadepesh, etc..

These are all successful companies with a brand behind them. One can recognize the brand by looking at the symbols and they can distinguish them from their competition.

There is a self-discovery process that needs to go down here.

When you create your symbol or logo with your branding expert, there needs to be a color, a specific font and design configuration. They need to blend together and be pleasing to the eye. This creation has to be compatible for all mobile and stationary devices. We need to keep in mind also the visually impaired, and the hearing impaired. There are quite a number that make up that population. Your target audience needs to be a consideration in the design. Also consider there might be cultural differences and you wouldn’t want to insult anyone with your symbol.

You will discover together the best brand for you.

Take the necessary time to develop something that will hold the test of time.

Create your brand as well as website design:

1. The best recommendation we have for you would be Ryan Seslow. A graphic designer with experience and patience.

A different route might be doing it yourself with the help of someone at

There are a few companies that help you design your brand and logo for yourself. Keep in mind not to use colors that exist with other companies, or colors and fonts that will distract the customer from your message or product.

Here is another do it yourself:

Here is a place that you can get pretty much any animation, clip art, backgrounds, all things art, that you need. You will need images to download for your site. All designers ask you to buy the images you like. For a small amount, this company gives you so much to choose from.

DIY alert:

DIY alert: Here is a place that helps you create a step by step instructional video of your business, and your site. It’s really affordable:

Website Design / Website Development:

Artistic graphic designs and illustrations have the ability to capture the attention of anyone remotely interested in your product.

Establish yourself out there for everyone to take notice. Your website represents the very heart of what your business or product is all about.

We have done the homework for you, here at Dadepesh. We have collaborated with people that care, and demonstrate passion for their craft. Some website developers are so passionate, that they become leaders in their field, and even teach a top universities. Here is a list of top people in website design and brand development.

Some links for: Website development

1. Ryan Seslow:

2. There are many who work with partners to create a site remotely for you. We have had a good relationship with Dave, if you are looking to work through Skype and FaceTime

3. If you want to give it a go with YouTube and create a website alone, it’s doable. We have learned that using someone with more experience is really the most successful way. However, if you want to try it for yourself, here is a place that is at least the easiest of all to begin with.


The website that you will create will need backup and secure money exchange. You, as the owner of the site, are responsible to make their information secure. No hacker should be able to get their information.

The best person for this job is someone we have often worked with.

He is very reliable and knowledgeable:

Yuval Brash