“Finding Start-Up Partners”
It’s easier than you think!!!
Have you ever wanted to start a business but had your reservations if you could do it alone? My opinion, never go at it alone.
I read this somewhere:
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go at it together.”
Like doctors, looking for that cure. Alone, they fizzle out fast. Collaborating with other Drs who share their same why, and goals, they will go far. You could start a business with a friend, or perhaps a family member. After all, this is the age of collaboration, as well as fun!!! You might need some technical skills, to create that website, manage it, or market it. If you don’t have that, you need to get some of that! “How”, you might ask? You need them, yes, but they also need you!! Techies are usually focusing on their skills, they may not see the practical applications of their knowledge. That’s where you come in!!! You have that vision, that drive!! Join each other!!! I believe it’s generally considered a “good” idea to mix business and pleasure. Talk to friends of friends at social events. Make some new friends. Feel their “aura”, check out their “whys” in life. So where can you look to find startup partners? Short answer? Everywhere and anywhere!! At the beach, in book clubs, (people read stuff they are generally into). Wework spaces, on a bus, in the airport, even at a wedding or funeral. Look for friends. Opportunity, and business ventures, are made the same way a baby is.. the old fashioned way. Get to know each other. It’s called foreplay!! Have fun. Mingle!! Check out business and social oriented sections of the internet. Anywhere is a great place to start.
Linkedin is practically made for finding business associates. It’s filled with people with varying levels of skill and experience. They might even know same people you know!!
Meetup is another good place to look. I love this place!!! People searching for business partners, like bees to honey, aggregate here. The website is dedicated to finding groups of people with similar interests. Naturally, there are a great number of groups made up of business oriented people. Shopping here, the fruit is plentiful and ripe for the picking!! There are also dedicated websites for finding partners. Like with date and job websites, each one of these caters to a different crowd. The trick is, explore!! Think, when you get home, of the people you met tonight. Get to know them and remember to check and see if you share the same why!!! Like for instance, cofounders lab might be a place to look .You can find lots of advisors and interns here. It’s completely free to join. The people on this site would be different than that of FoundersDating which is mostly straight business and marketing oriented individuals.
See which style best fits you –
Check this out as well!
Remember enjoy the ride!! After all, you chose this path because you hopefully are excited and thrilled.
You got into this car because it’s cool!!