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Successful Second Career Entrepreneurs

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos is recognized today as the founder of Amazon. However, when he first entered the job world, Jeff Bezos had been primarily involved in jobs related to computer science. After graduating from Princeton University, Jeff Bezos worked on Wall Street and then went on to work at various companies including Bankers Trust, D.E. Shaw & Co., as well as Fitel. During his cross country drive from New York to Seattle, Jeff Bezos gave birth to his idea for Amazon, making way for one of the most successful business plans.

Vera Wang

Vera Wang is recognized today as one of the most famous and talented designers but she did not always start out as an artist and fashion icon. Vera Wang initially started her career as a figure skater and then went on to utilize her journalism degree to launch a writing career at Vogue. She made her way up at Vogue as a senior fashion editor, a position she held for 15 years. During the time of her wedding, Vera Wang, not being able to find a design for a bridal dress that suited her style, decided to design her own wedding dress which was the stepping point for her bridal boutique in NYC that she launched in 1990.

Ellen Degeneres

Ellen Degeneres is recognized today as one of the most successful and famous comedians and TV personalities, however, when she started her career she had different ideas in mind for herself. After leaving college without a degree, Ellen Degeneres worked in a law firm doing clerical work and then went on to take on a string of different jobs such as waitressing and painting houses. During the early 1980s, Ellen Degeneres entered the comedy world, making a name for herself as a stand-up comedian and eventually starting up a successful talk show with a large following.

John Grisham

John Grisham is known today as the best-selling author of thriller novels. However, John Grisham did not set out at first to be a successful writer. Grisham began his career by practicing law for over 10 years, which inadvertently contributed to his success as a legal thriller writer. He also served on the Mississippi House of Representatives, starting from 1983, prior to his career as a writer. Grisham did not write his first novel, A Time to Kill, until 1989, and this book was the first of many successful novels that Grisham published.

Jonah Peretti

Jonah Peretti is known as the successful co-founder of Buzzfeed. However, when he set out into the job world, Peretti had different ideas in mind for himself. While studying at the University of California, Peretti was interested in environmental studies. Following his graduation from college, he was involved in computer science and set out to helping school children with computer science. Additionally, he completed a post-grad at MIT Media Lab. Peretti then went on to assist in co-founding The Huffington Post which is an essential news source today. In 2006, Peretti set up Buzzfeed which is a significant media source for people of all ages.

Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford, commonly recognized as Indiana Jones, did not always start out as a remarkable actor. As a matter of fact, prior to his life as Indiana Jones, Ford was a professional carpenter for 15 years. Ford was hired, initially, to build sound stages as well as an office for George Lucas. He was then discovered by Stephen Spielberg which led to his role as Hans Solo in Star Wars. This allowed Ford to set foot into his successful acting career, allowing him to take on legendary roles and be well-recognized in the public eye as a talented actor.